Mod of the Month - January 2008

Written by Brett Thomas

January 31, 2008 | 07:57

Tags: #2008 #forums #january #month #new-year

Companies: #mod


Happy New Year! Wait, what do you mean I'm a month late? Oh, yeah, I guess we skipped a month of our Mod of the Month contest to organise the Mod of the Year, examining the best of the finished best.

And that's why, for January, it's time to start anew – and I mean new. I'm looking for the best of the barely started this month – projects that are only a small percentage of their way to completion, but are just so interesting that they caught my eye anyway. We've got it all this month, from washing machines to scratch-built G5 cases, and they all have a long future ahead of them.

A couple of the modders are older members of our forums, but the others are pretty new – and are bringing some really great starts with them as a "hello." And as our "hi" back, we're going to send one of them some great prizes.

Mod of the Month - January 2008 Introduction

This month's contest is sponsored by the great friends of modders worldwide over at AC Ryan. But this time the company is dishing out more than the standard party pack – it's going to help the winner with quite a few building supplies that go above and beyond to make the mod in progress turn into just what the winner envisioned but maybe couldn't get their hands on before. Acrylic, fans, grills, sleeving, cables, ports...if you need it, they can help – and make it look good.

Of course, there are also some great bragging rights along with the helpful kit – such as being able to say that your first mod on the forums of the top modding site in the world managed to be front-page worthy.

So, let's take a look at some of the best starts in 2008!

Mod of the Month - January 2008

Mod of the Month - January 2008 Introduction Mod of the Month - January 2008 Introduction
Mod of the Month - January 2008 Introduction Mod of the Month - January 2008 Introduction
Mod of the Month - January 2008 Introduction

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